All about sap-web

Is is the project documentation for sap-web, a Django developer. CircleCI


Scholar Academy Project is a website-based schedule system for students to make appointments with tutors/mentors. Which will tremendously help facilitate the tutorial process and monitor the effectiveness of the provided resources from the facility side.


Under the install folder you will find or windowInstall.bat base on your OS you can run either-or. Once you run the installers, you should have Docker and VScode installed. If you are on windows you will have wsl2 installed on your machine.

If that went perfectly, you can run


you should see something like

Installation in progress

Installation in progress

Once that is finished the install package will show up on VScode.

Vscode extension

Vscode extension

on your terminal (wsl if you are on windows). This will install all the necessary extensions for you to work with docker on VScode.

To run the project locally you need to make sure you have Docker Engine and Docker-Compose installed. Docker makes it convenient to package every tooling needed for the project. Docker gets read of the headache of setting up a Virtual Environment, installing dependencies, creating a new Database in PostGradSQL, migrating the migrations in Django App, building the React App then finally running Django and Web-Pack-dev server.


Dockerfile: A set of commands to build an image to be run as a container.

Docker-compose: A file defining how to run a multi-container Docker application.

Docker Documentation

NOTE: make sure that you are indirectly where you have the docker-compose.yml file. If you get an error at any steps of the process below please refer to the FAQ section for guidance and quick answers.

To build the docker containers. Simply run the command below

docker-compose build

To build the container up (start a container)

docker-compose up <name-of-the-container>  # this is specified in the .docker-compose.yml file

To get inside the container and open the bash terminal

docker-compose exec <name-of-the-container> bash

To run the container and get inside it you can use the command below

docker-compose run --rm <name-of-the-container> <bash> # you can use the bash command to open bash terminal

To properly close all containers use

docker-compose down

For more information on docker command you can find Gentile introduction to Docker Container

VScode configuration

Keybindings and settings

Inside the extension installing a script, there is a copy bash statement that directly copies to the location where VS Code is expecting to get the settings.json and keybindings.json files

However, the link is commented out because of the path difference in user VS Code depending on ower installation.

Therefore, please refer to them if you need additional tricks. However, I strongly recommend copying the `keybindings.json`` to help you with your development.


Press ctrl + shift + P and type Preferences: Open Workspace Settings

preference window

preference window

Under Workspace search for Formatting and check Format On Save

Make sure the prettier is selected under Text inside the Workspace

Search for prettier under the extension and change the Tab Width` to 4 space

Font Settings

In the workspace, you should set the Font Family to Cascadia Code, Fira Code

font view

You should be able to see a clear font difference in your editor.

Todo Tree

By default should have BUG, HACK, FIXME, and TODO

Project Overview

This is how the container will be set up.

Project container structure

Project container structure


There is the process that we follow throughout our development cycle:

  1. Fork this repository:

  2. Clone your forked repository:

  3. Install the software and VS code extensions

  4. Build docker containers

  5. Make changes and push them to your Fork repository

  6. Open up a Peer Review (PR)

Tests and Databases

After creating a model you need to run the codes below

python makemigrations --dry-run --verbosity 3


python migrate

To run coverage locally you can run

coverage run --omit='*/Doc/*' test

Now you can run the command below and open the html file in your favorite edit and see what tests are missing

coverage html


General Errors

  • If you are getting an error from a node like the one below

try running the command below and rebuilding the image.

rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm

Docker issues

  • Permission error

permission denied error
  • permission denied error

    you can run the command in as an admin that should solve it

  • Why am I being asked to run the docker command as a root user (i.e sudo )?

You probably have overlooked this here

  • ERROR: Couldn’t connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localhost - is it running? link the one below.

docker daemon
  • docker daemon

The command below will fix your problem for now.

sudo service docker start   # for work with SysVinit
sudo systemctl start docker # for work with Systemd

You probably have not configured docker to start on boot up here is a link on how to do that


Make sure you have a code command installed in your path.



  • code . is not opening on wsl

  • ANS: Linking VScode locally